Browse Items (34 total)

This is the final step of the cleaning process. The grave site has been cleared of vines which allows you to enter through the gate and the headstone visible.

This is a portrait of John Singleton Mosby, known as the "Grey Ghost". He was stationed in Northern Virginia during the war and befriended Laura. Laura also served as a spy and reported back to Mosby's cavalry and even once saved him from being…

This is a simple version of Laura Ratcliffe's family tree. Richard Ratcliffe, the founder of Fairfax, had about 8 children and 40 grandchildren. However, I only including the direct connection to Laura.

This is a letter that was wrote by J.E.B. Stuart after he met Laura at Camp Qui Vive while she attended the sick and wounded.

Due to the limit of space, I took two photos for the front of the house, one left, one right. Also, I included a photo of the plaque next to the front door.

Inside of the album that Stuart wrote poems for Laura Ratlcliffe, the front cover is presented to "My Laura Ratcliffe by her soldier-friend as a token of his high appreciation of her patriotism, admiration of her virtues, and pledge of his lasting…

J.E.B. Stuart thought of Laura with much admiration for her dedication and loyalty to her family and her country. Stuart wrote 4 poems for her that is inside an album inscribed to her as well as this gift of a watch chain and a gold coin that is…

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This is a map of HMH Properties who are the owners of Worldgate Shopping Center. X is marked to indicate the approx location of the grave.

This is a picture of the dining room of Merrybrook. In the corner of the dining room, is the secret staircase that once led to a room upstairs.

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This is a picture of J.E.B. Stuart dressed in his Confederate Army suit.
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